This month the Perennial Outreach team had a lot of fun with minimal materials to make a scarf through finger knitting. The only supplies necessary are scissors and a t-shirt! Perennial reached out our regular partners, Lydia’s House, Magdalene St. Louis, St. Patrick’s Center, and Center for Women in Transition; as well as an extra special workshop at the International Institute. This skill came at the perfect time of year, just as the seasons are changing to cool fall weather.

All participants learned how to take an old t-shirt and transform it into a workable ball of yarn.  From there we began knitting with our fingers. Making sure each time to have two rings on finger, then flip, and as if like magic, the hidden pattern began to show on the back of our palms. Participants mentioned that this was an activity they could teach to their children, and that it provided a sense of relaxation and tranquility. Theresa demonstrated a few special tips to change colors seamlessly as well as instilled creativity on how to further the technique into a more complex project.

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