When over 8 inches of snow fell onto the tree-tops of St. Louis on Sunday, I started to dig…through my drawers and closets. I decided I wasn’t going to wait for Spring to start cleaning out the junk! A bag of thrifted belts, too-small jeans, empty canisters–just a few things I found that had been collecting dust. My instinct was to get rid of the stuff IMMEDIATELY (the tv show Hoarders comes to mind). But as I was filling bags, reasons for why I’ve been holding onto these possessions (some of them have even traveled cities with me) started to come back to me. The best possibilities for new change can be found in what you’ve been holding onto and simultaneously hiding in your closet, out of sight. Why not make what you need from what you already have?

Perennial can help you discover creative ways to keep treasured trinkets out of the trash bin. We’re packing the next three months with textile + sewing workshops, project-building classes, and DIY skill sessions. Whatever it is that you’ve been holding onto, bring it back out this spring and give it a new life! Be sure to check out our ‘Classes + Events’ page for our current list of workshops in creative reuse projects + DIY skills. —from my desk to yours, Brie

P.S. Stay tuned for the inside scoop on our upcoming community instructors. You’ll learn what inspires them, what they love about St. Louis, and even their favorite kind of pie. What a treat!