Welcome to Perennial’s new website! It’s so new that we are still filling it up with everything you need to know about Perennial and creative reuse. So give us a little time, and soon this will be your one-stop-resource for all things trash to treasure! We said adios to our old friend (pictured right) and are excited to have a new site we can easily update to bring you new ideas and inspiration all the time.

You can see what pieces Perennial’s been transforming in the ‘projects’ page. Get the latest updates about our organization, project advice, tutorials, and more in our ‘notebook’. See what upcoming classes we have and register today in the ‘classes + events’ section.

So much to do… Ill give you some time to click around. You just give me some time to fill this puppy up with awesome (yep. here we go!)

Thanks to Mr. Bredon for designing our new online home! Check him out: http://rentmrbredon.com/