Don’t miss Damon’s course in sonic upcycling: Found/Sound.
Click here to register by 5.18.13

1. What is your favorite reclaimed material to work with?

I am primarily a musician that started with hip hop, so sampling is second nature. I would have to say sound is my favorite reclaimed material.

2. What is the most interesting/weirdest item you have found in an alley, the trash or a thrift store?

One day my girlfriend and I were coming home after a night out and she spotted something shiny in the street. We stopped and it was like an industrial gas nossal or something firefighters would use. To this day I don’t know exactly what it is for but I kept it.

3. What artist/designer/person inspires you? (moms included 🙂 )

Da Vinci is one of my heroes and a figure in history that I have been obsessed with lately. The thing I admire the most about him was that his creativity was not bound by the things of other creatives in his day. He was just a great thinker, whether art engineering, you name it, if there was something to be made or understood, he was your guy. That’s the type of artist/person I wanna be, a maker.

4. What do you love most about St. Louis?

The architecture.

5. What is your favorite type of pie?

I like cheesecake, but is that pie?

6. What is your occupation?

Full time creative.

7. Where can I find out more about your work online?